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Queer – Radical – Uncompromising – Informative – Actionable – Current

Each newsletter includes ways to…

Stay Informed 📰

We provide a clear breakdown of the latest social justice news and issues so you’re informed and ready to act.

Take Action 📢

There are tangible ways to rally for justice and liberation in every newsletter – whether it’s signing a petition, donating to a mutual aid organization, or having tough conversations.

Get Educated 📚

Each issue includes social justice tools and concepts, emerging terminology and best practices from leaders, organizers and communities you might not be connected to yet.

Ask Questions 🙋🏾‍♀️

Our weekly Study Hall to unpack tough concepts, learn from others, and stay engaged with critical issues.

What People Are Saying

Y’all give me a foundation to build off of in my anti-racism work. I appreciate how y’all are willing to make us readers uncomfortable, but in a way that helps me stay engaged with the material.

— Zae M., Philadelphia, PA

I greatly appreciate all I have learned and will continue to learn. The resources are great and help me find ways to connect and help in any way I can.

— Sabrina R., Minneapolis, MN

The newsletter has made me much more aware and recognising stereotypes and biases enables me to now speak up.

— Katie M, Plano, TX

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